Ever wondered how you deal with long DKIM records? Because if you think you can just stick that bad boy in a text field, chances are that is going to fail. Horribly. There is an RFC (Request for Comments – or internet adopted standard) that says that TXT fields within a DNS zone need to… Keep Reading

Every now and then – something goes wrong. Such is the nature of engineering and the best laid plans. Sometimes there is a spanner in the works, sometimes someone has placed many spanners in many works – such is the world we live in. Thankfully we are here to make sure we recover from this… Keep Reading

..or so it seems from a support point of view. Something we are seeing echoed across the marketplace. This is part one of a two piece article – lets talk about the most obvious and wider reaching implication that effects shared hosting – spam, and blacklisting. The trouble that comes from outbound spam that originates… Keep Reading

A long time ago in an office far far away a wise older SysAdmin once imparted this gem of information to me: “Backups are worthless. Restorations and options – they are golden.“ You never really properly learn how much this is achingly true until you are wondering where your data went, and where you are… Keep Reading